I’ve heard lots of bad things about this film and none of them are true. It was great, all the way through! It’s true that it doesn’t follow the majority of the plot from the original film, but then it doesn’t need the original film to prop it up either. This is a remake, not a sequel. There are plenty of references to the original. Kate Beckinsale is fantastic and beautiful throughout. I know what memories I would go to Recall for! It’s just a shame she’s dead at the end, but then there isn’t a setup for a sequel either. The plot moves along nicely and the action and chase scenes are really good. There are quite a few places when a hail of bullets or a fall from a great height should have killed Quaid and Melina. I was disappointed that all Cohaagan wanted to do was take over the colony, surely something more exciting could have been thought of. Bill Nighy was of course brilliant, if brief. This film lives up to its trailer, go and see it! Now, if someone could just cast Kate and Claudia Black in the same film next year I would be a very happy man!
I was out walking with a techie friend of mine I’d not seen for a while and he asked me if I’d written anything recently. I hadn’t, other than an article on data sharing a few months before and I realised I was missing it. Well, not the writing itself, but the end result. In the last few weeks, another friend of mine, John Cricket , has been setting weekly code challenges via linkedin and his new website, https://codingchallenges.fyi/ . They were all quite interesting, but one in particular on writing load balancers appealed, so I thought I’d kill two birds with one stone and write up a worked example. You’ll find my worked example below. The challenge itself is italics and voice is that of John Crickets. The Coding Challenge https://codingchallenges.fyi/challenges/challenge-load-balancer/ Write Your Own Load Balancer This challenge is to build your own application layer load balancer. A load balancer sits in front of a group of servers and routes client requests across all of the serv...
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