What: NorDev West Norfolk: Space, the final frontier & Designing for room scale VR When: Wednesday, May 11, 2016, 6:30pm to 9:30pm Where: Heacham Manor Hotel, Hunstanton Road, PE31 7JX How much: FREE RSVP: http://www.meetup.com/Norfolk-Developers-NorDev/events/230069172/ Norfolk Developers are trying a number of meetups outside of Norwich. Come along and find out more about NorDev at our first West Norfolk meetup ! Space, the final frontier Dom Davis ( @idomdavis ) So we can send a spaceship 4.6 billion kilometres to rendezvous with something that's only a few kilometres big, but we still can't strip spaces from telephone numbers. In a world where computers can beat humans at Go there are still some fundamentals we can't seem to get right. In this talk we're going to look at a few of these and ask "why are they so hard?" Dom Davis Dom Davis is a veteran of The City and a casualty of The Financial Crisis. Not content with bringing ...