Jon Skeet
ISBN: 978-1935182474
Let's get one thing straight, every single C# developer with a working knowledge of the language should read this book. I picked it up because it had been three years since I'd written any C# (I'd been doing Java) and back then all I had exposure to was version 1.1. I knew nothing of var, LINQ, Lambdas, extension methods or dynamic typing. I guessed a little about generics from my Java knowledge. I've read the book and now I know about all of them. Of course I don't know everything about all of them but I know enough to make use of them. If I went back and read the book again and again I would increase my knowledge of these features with each read.
This is not an introductory text. The book starts off with a a brief tour of C# 1.1. It then goes through all of the recent versions, 2.0, 3.0, 3.5 and 4 introducing most of the new features as it goes. It does what it says on the cover, it goes into each feature in depth. This is bot...