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Showing posts from November, 2024

Winterfylleth live at The Dome

As I’ve said before, I completely fell in love with Winterfylleth at Bloodstock one year. They played again, on the main stage, a few years later and released that performance as a live album and it’s one of my favourites. We went to Manchester to see them with ARD in 2022,  despite having already seen them at Incineration Fest the same year. This year we went to London to spend just ten minutes with them at their album launch . Only three of the band were there, so Mark Deeks kindly got the rest of the band’s signatures on my copy of the album at a band practice - what a legend! I couldn’t make the Ipswich date of the tour, so we went to see them in London. So you might say I’m a little obsessed or just a bit of a fan! We’ve been to The Dome   before to see Threshold and it’s a nice enough venue, but the accessibility wasn’t great, they only had tall stools to sit on, which my wife couldn’t manage to climb on to. So she ended up sitting on the floor. This time though, we ...