What: NorDev: Just A Minute! When: Wednesday 4th of June 2014 @ 6.30pm Where: The King's Centre, King Street, Norwich, Norwich, NR1 1PH Sign-up: http://www.meetup.com/Norfolk-Developers-NorDev/events/184896552/ Norfolk Developers will be holding their own technical version of the popular radio 4 show Just a Minute . Four contestants will attempt speak on technical subjects for a minute without: hesitation repetition deviation A contestant scores a point for making a correct challenge against whomever is speaking, while the speaker gets a point if the challenge is deemed incorrect. However, if a witty interjection amuses the audience, even though it is not a correct challenge, both the challenger and speaker may gain a point, at the chairman's discretion. A player who makes a correct challenge takes over the subject for the remainder of the minute, or until he or she is correctly challenged. The person speaking when the 60 seconds expires also scores a...