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Showing posts from March, 2011

Woken Furies

by Richard Morgan ISBN-13: 978-0575081277 I have read all of Richard Morgan's books in this series up to Woken Furies and this is the best yet. The characters are deeper and more intricate. The plot twists and turns and bubbles with the unexpected. There is more of everything that Richard Morgan does best. There is the odd slow patch as the pace is moderated towards the middle, but it soon picks up again. There are all sorts of questions that materialise throughout the book, some of which are not answered until the end. It takes some following, but is well worth it! I can't wait to read the next one.

Integration Testing A Java Enterprise Application Data Access Layer

Finding the best design approach is only part of the solution to writing an Enterprise Application. As with all software, the application must be tested. Unit tests are the first line of defence, but they only the units of the application individually. You also need to test how the units interact with each other and other parts of the application, such as the database. These sorts of tests are called integration tests. Soon after I discovered unit testing I accidental discovered integration testing. I was writing a system that interacted with a database at just about every stage. So each of my tests would start by creating and populating the database. Then the tests would be run and afterwards the database would be torn down. Creating and destroying the database for each test ensured that it was always in a known state. It also meant that every test took a very long time to run. When I only had a handful of tests this was not too much of a problem. Once I had in-excess of a hundred tes...