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Showing posts from 2007

The New Job

Over the past few weeks people have been consistently asking my three questions: How’s married life? How are you enjoying not travelling to London? How’s the new job? Married life is wonderful. Charlotte is the most amazing person you could hope to meet (but then that’s why I married her!). I haven’t missed the commute down to London or working in London once, although I do miss working at Canary Wharf sometimes. Coming home to the same bed every night is the biggest benefit and I’m gradually clawing back al the sleep I’ve lost over the last couple of years. The new job is working out very well, although I’ve only been there a couple of weeks. I’m working with a great bunch of people who are relaxed and keen to work. I know my boss reads my blog posts, so I won’t mention that I’m enjoying working with him, find him very reasonable or that he did more than any other manager I’ve ever had has ever done to make sure I feel comfortable, welcome and have a proper grounding in the domain of ...

Leaving London

I’m on the train back from London to Norwich for the last time (well, that’s not quite true, I’m coming back for the ACCU Christmas party in a weeks time) with very mixed feelings. I’ve been well known for quite a while, in certain circles, for disliking London. When I started working there 14 months ago I got a lot of stick from those circles. I like London a lot more now than when I moved there initially, but I’ll never get to grips with vast numbers of people completely absorbed in an oblivious world of their own. I’ve thoroughly enjoyed working for Narrowstep and the people are wonderful, so I’m disappointed to be leaving. On the other hand, having not slept in the same bed for more than ten consecutive nights in the last two years (at least) I’m looking forward to some stability and regular sleeping patterns, not to mention seeing my wife every day. You never know, I may even stop feeling tired all the time and grace the waterfront a little more often. Here’s to rediscovering ...

Coming Home

Ever since Charlotte and I decided to get married (back in June 2007) I’ve wanted to move closer to home so that I can come home every night. I put my house on the market as my assumption was that I couldn’t get a job in Norwich that would pay the mortgage, and we would therefore need to move to Cambridge. Yesterday I took the house off the market as I was offered a job with a start-up that will allow me to pay it. This means we can stay in Norwich, I can keep my house (rather than getting a shoe box in Cambridge) and keep the TR! I had a telephone interview followed by a face-to-face interview with James Duez ( ). For the second time in my short career, I was offered the job in the interview. I don’t want to say too much about what we’ll be doing at this stage, but it looks very promising.

We all have to start somewhere....

I’m having a very interesting time at the moment. In fact the last three or more years of my life have been very interesting and involved a lot of change. I moved back to Norwich in February 2005 after quite a messy relationship break-up. Since then, to mention just a few things, I’ve spent three weeks working in the US, a summer working in Munich, contracted for an investment bank in London, travelled the length and breadth of the UK and seen more bands at more festivals than I could list here. Most importantly I married the most amazing woman in the world. My life and career are about to change again and I thought this an appropriate time to start recording it all in a blog…..