Infectious Generosity by Chris Anderson ISBN-13 : 978-0753560495 I was recommended this book, out of the blue, by a colleague. I am not entirely sure why, but now that I’ve finished it I am looking forward to finding out! Infectious Generosity looks at the state of generosity in the world and looks at the ways in which it might be improved with lots of real world examples of people who have been generous and a framework for becoming more generous. Most importantly, it explores how being generous, even in small ways which have little cost to you, makes you happy. It takes a good hard look at the internet, especially social media and how, in the author's opinion, it is a massive source of evil in the world. He examines everything from cyber bullying to toxic masculinity. But then he describes how, with just a few simple changes to the way we approach the internet and social media, we could turn it into an even bigger force for good and encourages the reader to do so. The part of ...
The One Minute Manager Meets the Monkey by Ken Blanchard, Hal Burrows ISBN-13: 978-0007116980 When I made the move to lead engineer from senior engineer my instinct was still to try and fix everything for my engineers rather than get them to complete their own tasks, or as Ken Blanchard puts it, Monkeys. It was useful and interesting to read about someone in a very similar situation, how it affected them and their family and how they eventually overcame it with four simple rules: Rule 1: Describe the Monkey: The dialog must not end until appropriate “next moves” have been identified and specified. Rule 2: Assign the Monkey: All Monkeys shall be owned and handled by the lowest organisational level consistent with their welfare. Rule 3: Insure the Monkey: Every Monkey leaving your presence on the back of one of your people must be covered by one of two insurances: Recommend, then act Act, then advise. Rule 4: Check on the Monkey: Proper follow up means healthier Monkeys. Every Monke...